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Mia... I know you have ptsd when it comes to shadows, but wait a minute before you go threatening them, ok?
just *sigh* mp hp drop to 1 now...
*a portal open* ??? *enters and it close behind* >_>..
because I didn't drinking blood...
Mia:*moves her scythe away from hin*tou asked me to kill you...why did you asked that?...
*he drags echo away with hi while everyone's distracted
you scard shadows
hhhmmm... *drinking blood*
come with me echo..
*HP fully restored*
uh ok?
Mia;what do you mean i scare shadows?
ignore the baboons in the kitchen they can be so dumb with this kind of situation and never ask a expert like me to do this -_-
*hears something* .. oh crap *weapons ready and a long ass fight later flower wins* (i'l do the fighting later or tomorrow ether that ima just do this rn)
then what is that reaction?
Azzy... She has nearly been KILLED by shadows twice. They TORTURED HER FOR FUCK SAKE!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23