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all i know is i woke up with this locket

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one second..*teleports a bunch of tobys wih for patches on them to jack and mia
and at lv 200
Mia:*calms down and gos back to normal *
.. so that what it was let me check who that was
*sighs in relief*
*snaps his fingers and the dogs light of fire also lighting he kitchen on fire too*
mom hotdogs xD
Mia:AH! BATES!!!
BATES!! *doused the fires with water magic*
anyways echo do you remeber anything beffore that..
*checks and it was evil corrupted jasmine* .... her... hmm *tp away*
*the for keeps going because they came from Fri patches xD
i think of a name corrin or ultra or omega
but those just come to mind
*tp home in nightly kingdom* *and sleeps*
(I used magic, so it put it out.)
Mia:*gos chara mode a d*BATES!!!!💢💢💢💢💢

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23