(and then laughed at that reference because level up YouTube channel made a pokemon video about the move water cup xD
(its just a cup of water lol and it killed a pokemon
*summons sound system,electric generator and movie system*
*set them all and open music*
(the fire patches did not have normal for its a magical fire bates made for revenge purposes i just wanted to bring them back for no reseon just for interesting fun xD
(Exatctly. Magical fire is out out by magical water, which is what I used. It is basic magical science used in everything involving magic. Bye Ultra.)
*opem music at full volume https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lkSu8ig5kK0 *
Mia:*rhrows fore and ice spears at bates and.keeps runing after him*GRRRRR💢💢💢💢
(dude it's that impossible to put out fire from the castle chunk incident...you know the day bates got drunk lol
*puts out the fires and then tps to Bates and tps him to his lab* You are lucky I'm saving your ass for what you did just now. *tps to Mia*
(Dude, that would be extremely op. You could kill anything with that if it can't be put out.)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23