"OW! WATCH WHERE YOU JAB THAT THING! *Tries to stand up. It fails*
IN FUCKING DONE WITH THAT KNOW IT ALL PRICK!! *punches another tree, shattering a good portion of it into large shards*
"AND LET GO OF ME, OR YOU'LL BE SORRY!" *Struggles to stand up, rising very slowly*
*Slams him against the ground effortlessly* "Silence. You are in no position to talk."
*works hard laughing a lot going insane while working
Mia:*kills somthing with the tree she knocked out*shit...
*tps to the area Del and Massacre are and watches from the Light Void*
... *stands in the middle of a small clearing of broken trees* Heh heh h e h ...
*walks around the underground wondering why theres no one*
If he comes near my house again... *summons a skull and fires, vaporizing a tree* He won't be bothering me again... Heh Hennessey HEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH
(Why did autocorrect change hehhehehe to whatever the fuck it did? Why? You piece of shit.)
"Guh!" *Blood flows from his mouth* "I-i'll never listen to you!" *Starts standing up again, this time quicker* "After all...as you should know..." *Soul Explosion to just melt the guards as well as breaking Massacre's crushing attack* "The more p***ed off I get!" *A huge red aura surrounds him, his eyes turn black, and he gets an insane look on his face* "T H E L E S S C ON T R O L I H A V E!!!" *Vanishes*
*tps to jack and watches this looking normal* and he says im crazy
*punches the ground, creating a large crater*
*sighs* *and walks through snowdin not paying attention to deorisc*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23