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*follows* .. jack??
and you say I need to learn control...why don't you look at your self in a mirror...
... *activates the portal to Godhome and vanishes*
*he calms down nd the black stuff goes away* and I'm being in control now just fine..
.... jesus christ *eyes glows which means chains of corruption about to appear* !??!!! *noticed it and tries to stop it* *and it stop* ... odd and fucking hell..
*walks to a statue and sits with his back against it* ... Why can't you have just come back father...
Mia:,.....*tps back ho.e make food a d leaves some for when jack gets back and she gos to bed*....
*tp home in jack's kingdom and listens to music*
this is a mess..
"That's where you are wrong." *Red orbs surround Massacre* "B U R N I N H E L L!!!" *Holds a hand at Massacre's back, still facing away from him. Del fires a blast of energy straight through his chest, then the orbs collide all at once with him from every side, erasing him and the entirety of his kingdom from existence.*
All of this... Sure, I have a family now... But that won't change the fact, even if I'm good at hiding it, that in not still haunted constantly by my past... I had to watch one of my brothers turn into a monster, kill our older brother, and then... I had to kill him... *begins to cry* I was forced... To kill my little brother... Because of what he had become...
*gets to the barrier* oh my God it's open 100 years in oh... it's been open *runs through it*
*thinks I should leave everyone alone tho...besides my kitchen joke was gonna be a easy one i was....*
*Del lands on a rock left among the rubble. His aura, eyes, and power all drop to normal*
*he frowns and sees what Jack means finally* oh...that is abit too far..
.... *sleeps* zzz.
Mia:*changes into a night gown and sleeps with one of jack's jackets around her*

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