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Forums » Roleplay » u.c rp

((And goodnight to you too flower

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Gn to all )
Ya stupid online class
Imma go explore this website
((I'll let UC burn by just staying here
((I'm glad i moved tp this site tbh, the community is really nice, peeps here are chill-
((and yeah
"I'm far beyond being helped..." killure mutters and moves his hand around with the locket, as it's pointed at a certain direction, a crimson glow brightens up from the locket
"We're close..." he says befoee starting to head in that direction
[just finished]
oh hi ten
How do you edit relationships on character profiles
go to your stuff
and lets do it with your caracters
Ik you go to characters
((Toolbar dropdown menu and press +connect
oh tine to check the gangs

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23