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*sees Jack's kingdom and walks towards it*

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and now i made a new story for someone who's constantly being yelled at and he's suffering..
uh you okay Jack?
want to see why i picked bates and not one of my friends?..
I'm a guardian Angel to bates or a good reseon..
*stands up* I don't want to hear his name right now... *starts walking back to the entrance*
What is this?
*uses white magic to block his way
do you really want to keep blameing him...
.... welp i got ignored like i don't exist *vanishes*
*tps to the entrance* I blame him when he does stupid shit for no Damn reason.
*walks to the entrace*
*snaps her fingers and now there in this white magic room* stupid shet hmmmm why dont we watch a little something then...
can't fucking sleep great *drinks coffee* *sighs* i wonder why jack was so fucking pissed... oh well *noticed deorisc*??? he's back??
*Del's soul appears and floats above him. It is black in the middle of it* *The auras encircle it, infusing themselves into Del's soul*
Rabia... Do not test me right now.
do you know what he even works on...why he's crazy with all these ideas and has so many ideas you guys really don't listen to and I'm serious i watch you all you guys barely take bates seriously...
and you can't hurt me...I'm half dead

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23