and now i made a new story for someone who's constantly being yelled at and he's suffering..
want to see why i picked bates and not one of my friends?..
I'm a guardian Angel to bates or a good reseon..
*stands up* I don't want to hear his name right now... *starts walking back to the entrance*
*uses white magic to block his way
do you really want to keep blameing him...
*tps to the entrance* I blame him when he does stupid shit for no Damn reason.
*snaps her fingers and now there in this white magic room* stupid shet hmmmm why dont we watch a little something then...
can't fucking sleep great *drinks coffee* *sighs* i wonder why jack was so fucking pissed... oh well *noticed deorisc*??? he's back??
*Del's soul appears and floats above him. It is black in the middle of it* *The auras encircle it, infusing themselves into Del's soul*
do you know what he even works on...why he's crazy with all these ideas and has so many ideas you guys really don't listen to and I'm serious i watch you all you guys barely take bates seriously...
and you can't hurt me...I'm half dead
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23