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((It took me an hour to figure it out, and i had to help adiral too

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Ok thanks)
I glitter boned ya
((I glitter bombed echo and she glitter bombed me back
(( and personally i enjoy every second of being glitter bombed
Some rando glitter bombed me
Weremdo you press +connect
I didnt get a bomb)
((Go to your character profile and then open the menu at the top, the toolbar, there's an option called +connect there
(Can I join rp)
Still cant find it I'm on mobile mabe that makes a difference
Killure looked down at echo "are you okay?" He asks, concern... he was actually concerned
((I'm on mobile too, maybe you aren't going to the right place-
(Dacra time, I guess)
(Too lazy to make a slot for him so)
(Dacra: Guess we gotta use the old way.)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23