if i did not teleport flower to mia flower would have died..
Huh well I should thank them *start to walk back over to them*
*exe tp home with flower making flower a new arm*ugh my arm i seen everything @_@./exe:jesus christ cut off clean and good alright *starts building*/exe:well mia did save you i'l give her that but god why cutting it off tho it work i'l give her credit for that/yea heheheheeeeeeh after this ima make a visit
Mia:i-i didnt know what else to do ok?!*gets up and looks at rv*WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE IF YOU SAW YOUR FRIEND DIEING IN FRONT OF YOU AND YOU COULD HAVE DID SOMETHIMG! *release what she said*i-im sorry i need to-..*flys off crying*
*finished making shadow weapons* well...
flowers my friend too and o be honest i would have done the same hing idk how to help with acid sometimes...it's a tricky substance...so please calm down mia..
... Thank you for making things worse. As of things weren't hard enough for her. *flies after her and catches up* Love, it's ok. You did what you had to go save her lif. That's all that matters.
*tps to mia* I did not mean to make to Mia upset...I would have done the same hing im flowers friend too..
Mia:*grabs her head and has another panic attack *(hi ten)
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