mia...people have to make quick desicions sometimes...you made the right choice..
*unsommon shadpw table and packed new weapons to his magical storage*
and people cant tell you its wrong because if was so fast...people can't blame you..
*spread shadow wings and fly to mia*
maybe I should brighten you up abit...*uses white magic to make the area feel comfuturble and full of good vibes* there...that feels nice..
Mia:go away !!!*her magic gos out of control and the ground shakes and everyone can hear her and it make everyones ears bleed*JUSY GO AWAY!!!!!!!!
Rabia! Go! She can hurt you, don't test it!
*walks to mia just taking all this because they cant get hit there like a ghost there half dead tho
*back out a bit* what is it? I can help you!
*blasts to her and hugs her tightly* No! I'm not leaving!
and people should not push people away...problems should be talked about..
well what your doing wont help...
stop it mia... I can help you...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23