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mia it's okay ik what u did was trying to help it's alright *hears something* oh shit... not her..*spawn a shield so evil don't get in*

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Mia:*shes crys herself to sleep and sleeps on jack still crying and shes still in the night gown and is still wearing one of Jack's jackets*
wait..*notices bates eating popcorn watching this the whole time* -_- *gets out da flipflop
you dick -_-
... hold on gotta take ca- *Evil jasmine tackles flower* NOT AGAIN!! *falls in the void and the portal closes behind them before anyone sees*
*wakes up* agh... what the... *stands up* weres the guy ah I dont even know his name...
we helped mia :D victory :3
*and a extream long fight later flower brutally finished evil corrupted jasmine off by a stab in stomach by a drill for a hand and yeets evil corrupted jasmine through the wall* ....
*sigh* Finally... We got through. *tps back home and puts Mia in bed* Heh... *walks to the balcony and states at the stars* ... This constant fighting has to end soon... I don't know how much more she can take of this before it breaks her... *cleches a fist* I refuse to let that happen to her.
*and grab evil corrupted jasmine face and lift her up*.../evil:!!!.../idk who you are and how did you come from... B u t i c a n h a p p i l y h e l p t h e m k n o c k y o u o u t before you kill the other,any last words???/evil:... *bust through attack flower/!!!/ *and takes her to another location*
*tps to jack* geez you were so mean..
Uh sir are you here?
*sigh* I'm sorry... It's just... With everything going on, and Bate - gimme a second. *tps in front of Deorisc* Hey pal. Whatcha need?
ookay hard ball time *uses the robo hand to turn the drill to a flame thrower* YEA HAHAHA!!! NOW LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! *flame thrower starts and aiming it at evil corrupted jasmine and shoots and a another long fight flower lost and evil... lets just say flower getting munched on*/...
*sighs hard
Oh hey I just want to thank you and I want to know your name mines deorisc
Oh! Of course! I'm Jack. Jack Mcloughlin.
*holds out a hand*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23