then he batch slapped me and told me to tell n-*bates appers holding a fucking rocket launches to revs head* OH SUET O.O
Mia:*almost wakes up bc of the yelling *hmmmmm...zzzz
... Bates. What did I tell you last time you threatened me? *points a hand towards him*
*appears behind jack* ssssshhhhhhh......
You are lucky I am in a forgiving mood right now.
that I don't give a fuck? *he looks at jack with black dripping from his eyes and something else looks off but you cant tell
*he picks up rv and summons a portal and throws he in to it
HA! no one see me *starts fading*
So I will let you leave. But do not do it again. I don't appreciate you threatening me with an explosive when I'm next to my wife, who can't do anything right now.
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23