[just fade away because got ignored*
Dude, she is a lot more chill than you most of the time.
Pap lily and qwen:*come out of nowhere by jack and bates lily has arows qwen has a sword and pap has a staff*OK WHO HURT MIA!!!!!
hhhmmm... I think I need more weapon
*walk around,finding a weapons*
Lily:we heard her crying all the way for our castles in hell!!!/pap:damn that girl can scream....
she was a full time killer with her boyfriend aweez and killed so much more then me trying to be as op as aweez was to her...
she developed her darkness and met her fate by omost dieing by darkness..
hhmm... ok I need a... bow... blade... megaphone... trident... katana...
sword? no I have chaos saber...
rabbis just chill because shes so hard to make mad she's too happy...
gun...? not too I have chaos blaster so... let find out with it...
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23