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Attack one of us, and not only will I kill you, I will tell everyone.
Pap:*tps the knife to her and breaks it and tacklles bates to the ground *
Pap:go home bates
*magically pulls her off of him*
*kicks paps off
Take it easy Pap.
*a black knife glitches trying to apper in bates hands and bates frowns and breaks it beffore it can apper sighing* fine...
*teleports to his lab
See Pap? Sometimes you actually CAN'T win with violence.
*appers next to jack* MERCY :D
Pap :im going home to my husban bye*leaves*/qwen :who the fuck are you?
And as for you. Was what he said true?
? about
That you were lying and before your contract you were a cold hard killer with your boyfriend... What was his name again? Ahweez?
what kind of horrible question is this...
who told you this..
... So he wasn't lying... Tch. Should have known.
I'm a pasifist....
I don't kill...

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23