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No I put that on private)
... Ok then... I was going to do that, but I guess I'm not allowed to...
*starts cooking*
Ok fine how old am I tell me tell me)
(ok he's a good question..
(what year,month and day all together have two 2's two 0's and two 4's xD
(that will tell you when I was born lol
Guess what I'm non binary and on that note I'm out cuz I'm embarrassed)
(reminder im 16
(godamnit... 2004/2/4...
(... You drop that info and then just dip? Ok then.)
No I'm still here)
(ok some people who were born on the same day as me...we do t talk tho..
I'm just very strange and embarrassed)
(Hey ten? )
Try habeing your birth day by Chrismas

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23