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Imma go. To the park ok
so why do you do it...
And what happend to cloak I want him back
*is still in the dimension he cant get out of*
I don't know kiddo. And sure, you can go to the park.
Ok but can. You tp me there my basic energy is very small to around one tp a day and I used that to get to you
Mia:why cant you just stay out of my business alright? I do it bc i want to do it now leave me my son and husban alone
*teleports in front of mia* but why do it if you know ou have friends and family who care about you THIS COULD KILL YOU
Hmm... Alright. But we need to work on that amount of power I can access.
Mia:i cant die is im alreadu half dead
Already *
...and what does pain bring?
wanna see a magic trick i out on my arms...
*starts playing
*she shakes her arms and magic fall off revealing a fuck load of scars on both arms stabs,bullets,slashes,claws, and abit of burns
I did this to my self when I was alive and now kinda...
Mia:i dont give a fuck ok? Im only alove for my friends and my family. ..

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23