Mia:its nothing...i just thought you might want to talk to your friend alone
I need to wait for my farmers to let me trade more melons, and then I can buy the last pearl.)
Mia. I can tell that's not it. Why is your arm bandaged?
Jack ur internet sucks rn so j cant join ur world I know it's not mine cuz I have a thing to tell me)
Oh, did it kick you? Sry, I was putting on some music. It usually doesn't close down the app, but I guess it did this time for some reason.)
Well I just joined my world so tell me when u got peral)
Then why is it bandaged, and why are you hiding it and holding it?
Mia:its nothing jack....*her back is on the wall trying to hide both her arms *.....
Mia. Two things. One, stop backing up like I'm going to hurt you.
Second, stop lying to me. Don't make me use my brothers just to take a look at your damn arm. What. Did. You. Do. To. It?
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23