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Huh w-well I-I cant r-really b-but o-o I'll try
O-oh well I'll just g-go on my way then
*calms down* ok now anything e-else you need
... no. Thanks though...
Wtf its snowing out side)
(Lucky. I love snow.)
(We about ready to take on the dragon?)
Imma go to bed)
Mia :*sits on a tree weak af*(k cya yen)
(Alright. Tonight then? Or tomorrow depending on time zone.
Nvr mind just mig hr go randonly)
And can we just kill dragon later like its 6 for me so.... around my 10-4pm)
Wait can I j-just like hang out with you I have not had a friend in very very long
*sighs and moves next to Mia* Why did you do it? At least tell me that much. I can't even heal it. It refuses to heal...
I mean I'm human...ish so I can do human th ing with you people
I dont really know h-how to act around people I've been in isolation for many years
Oh I'm sorry I'm interrupting I'll g-go

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23