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Yeah. Just gimme a minute to wake up fully.

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Alright. I'm awake now.
K so want to keep going from last night?
Mia:*sits on a tree looking weak af*
*sigh* ... You need that healed.
Jack you forgot to change again
You're losing too much blood. I can tell your getting weak from it.
That appeared as soon as I hit enter... AND GOD DAMN IT EVERY TIME!!
(There we go. Thank you.)
*flys in*
Hey flower) mia:im fine
(yo) *is walking limping due to what happened yesterday* ... *look so tired*
(Heya flower) No, you're not. You look like you're about to pass out.
(sup) *blood dripping* ... *went home*
Mia:*sighs *hehe i guess i have to tell tou now dont i?...
Tell me what?
Ayyyyy theres humans)
h-heh *made it home open the door and went inside and blood comes out*/exe:JESUS FLOWER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?!?/don't.fucking.ask *walks to the medical room for couple things and went to the bathroom for quick*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23