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Mia:it hurts a lil but I'll be fine
... *stops poking her* There are two things I can think of.
One, it's because they aren't fully healed, or two...
*looks down with a worried expression*
The darkness you were on about earlier... Was trying to use the cuts to leak out somehow...
I don't know why, but it is a possibility...
*gently hugs her, trying not to hurt her arms*
But whatever the case, we can figure it out together, ok? I'll be right there with you all the way.
Mia:*starts teating up*nononono
Tearing *
.. *cans the swipe on the left eye*
Mia, calm down.
You're fine.
Just remember. Stuff like that in its own becomes weaker. It would have had to struggle to try to escape. It would have taken a good chunk of energy.
Mia:*trys to calm herself down*
*kisses her* It'll be ok love. I swear.
Mia:*calms down*
Thats it. Just take it easy.
Mia:*out of nowhere feels weak and falls on her knees*!!!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23