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Mia:*after a few minutes her arms go back to normal and shes still knocked out*

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... I don't like the look of this...
Mia:*wakes up a lil*hmmmn hm?
Mia? How are you feeling?
Mia:i feel like i got hit by 100000000000 buses.....
*hugs her gently* Heh. I know how that feels. The marks fades not too long ago.
Mia:thats good i guess*sits up*ow ow ow..
*nvm and went back*
Hey, take it easy! You aren't fully recovered yet.
*starts healing her*
You need to be more careful love.
Mia:you sound like my sister.....
*sighs back researching corrupted evil jasmine* ..
Well, we are both your family after all. *grins*
Mia:heh on
Oh my god*
Heh heh heh... Just get some rest, ok?
*nuzzles her neck a

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23