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Mia:hehe alright*gets up*
*finishes off coffee and walks around*
*gets up and dressed, and walks down to the kitchen*
Mia:*changes and gos to the kitchen *
So, what do you want to eat love? I'll cook, you pick.
...... *bored*
Mia:umm how about pancakes?
Alright. Any special preference, or should I just go to town and surprise you?
*tps to the kingdom*
Mia:hehe surprises me
*makes some butterscotch and cinnamon pancakes* Here ya go. Try it. *smiles*
Mia:*eats some*heh they taste great jack
*walks around the kingdom and drinks soda*
Heh. Thanks. Never true cinnamon and butterscotch before.
*closes computer and carries it and tp to the kingdom drinking coffee*
I'm glad you like em.
Mia:oh shoot i forgot the party is today
Wait shit, it's TODAY!?
Mia:yep fuck!*gets up and gos to there room and calls nightly*
*team exe and exe elizabeth getting ready for the party turning into demons and flower tp to her house getting ready* nightly:*answers* yo what up me and our team getting ready

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23