Mia:ok good me and jack will meer tou at hotland alright?
cya *hangs up and the others got ready and they flew to hotlands*
Mia:*changes her clothes and turns into her demon form and her tail chanhes and she hides her ears *jack!can you get nexus plz!i forgot to tell him about today
*they fly passed nexus house in there demon forms*
Ok! Back in a flash! *tps to Nexus* Hey pal. Wanna come to a party?
*grabs him and tps back* Mind filling him in love?
I'll go change into something a bit better suited. *runs up to their room*
Mia:its a party in hell and wear something demon like i dont want demons attacking you
*looking tired* *is in demon/angel form*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23