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Is planning a attack
Mia:just trust me ok*backfilps into the lava*
what mia?
*they fall into the lava so as team exe and exe elizabeth* YEET'
*is playing is his room*
... This again... Welp. *jumps up and corkscrews into the lave*
oh lava...
*run and jump into lava* *healed*
*they arw now in hell and the streets are filled with demons danceing and haveing fun*
yeet hell
a lot of fire
hm nice
... *.______.* Well, this looks... Fahn.
a lot of healing
Mia:hehe go ahead do what you want here
[brb again]
I'll stick by you. I have ZERO idea where I'm going.

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23