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Soul shatter weak form (same as original but corrin dosent die and your soul reforms after 15 minutes)
*doesn't affect him* Really? That's the best you can do?
R.demon1:hej i dont give a fuck im just going to take her away for a bit/mia:🤢*in head:this due smells like fish and shit...*
what the hell *calls flower again* ??/flower:*answers* yo what up???/ummm some army and 2 people appeared.../flower:..... what do you mean??/well uhh a army feels like gonna attack the kingdom/flower:... jasmine don't move i heading down there now.. *grabs computer and hangs up*
*it drags no souls to a realm of no exiting
*is just chilling*
*eyes blaze red and his left hand inches towards his sword* You aren't taking her anywhere, BUD. Try it, and I don't care if your queens get slightly pissed.
*the team parting as flower passed mia jack and the demon* SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! *rushes out of hell*
No wonder you can't beat a WEAKLING like... What was his name? Oh right. Jack.
*phase lockets through
*looks over to Jack and the other demon* uh oh.......
hey flower where you going/flower:NOT NOW!! *flys up*
No one man handles her. *his wings start to slowly change shape* Got it?
*is twitching and a butprst of hate deals 200 dmg to vanitasp
*plays on his guitar*
*made it out of hell* great CAN HE JUST GET OVER IT!? *turn invisable and rushes to the kingdom*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23