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... What are they?
*tps to jack*
1 corrin came to the castle he got the red gem cause no one hire the night guard 2 vanitas he returned
Why hello there
... Fun.
Mia:whats wrong jack?
i'l keep an eye out if he returns i'l give you an update
what is it flower?
*bored* ....
*pull the phone back* i guess i have to be a night guard shadow cause corrin returned.
Nothing. Just the usual bullshit.
*just stands there*
Mia:damn it we cant have one day without fighting and its driveing me crasy!
*hangs up* *sighs* great fucking great *team exe is at the party* oh well idc missing the fun
oh corrin
It's fine. They left.
*continues to play on his guitar*
oh flower *pull out one of shadow trident* take this
this will protect you

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23