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well at least you guys are having fun i'l be back with asriel and *send feeling to shadow* well alex teleport to jack alot i have the feeling that well happen and besides i thought you were gonna get the cloak out due to the cloak gotten capture by corrin?

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Mia:*sighs*im just glad his ok...
i glad you guys noticed alex in time or i have to ease drop in out of the night shift and save him
yes *send back*
Kiddo, I gotta go back to take care of your mom. Stay in the Palace, ok?
*send back* alright asriel i going back everything good *stops sending asriel feeling* alright i'l be back at the kingdom mia have fun
*start heading back out of hell and went back to the kingdom*
*remember the cloak* shit.... *spawns a portal to cloak* jesus christ *walks through turns normal due to not be in hell anymore*
*closes the portal to the hotlands* hmm
Bac) ok...
*looks for cloak* HEY YOU HERE?! HELLO?
[wb ]
CLOAK *walks to cloak voice*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23