hmm *uses ability to find corrin* *mind:shit ik i told corrin do anything funny the gem gonna be auto tp back NOW HE IN HERE FUCKING INVISIBLE GREAT FUCKING GREAT!!!*
Huh? *listens and heard her* *his ears go back and he growls*
*text jack:jack corrin invisible in the kingdom keep a sharp eye out he could be planing some thing with the red gem*
*to self* come on corrin ik you gonna be funny with this now you gotta show your self and i told you do anything funny and that gem gonna be gone with out a blip *keep it so silent corrin dose not hear her* *uses ability to track corrin location*
*his clothes start turning red, black and grey, and the blue streaks in his hair turn a deep scarlet*
shadow corrin somewhere in the kingdom invisible we gotta get a eye out on the kingdom
I will trying to see *spread shadow wings*
*the ability tracked before the aura blocked**mind: heh thinking trying to be slick huh jackass? well the speed helps if you time it perfect*
*fly up!trying to see corrin*
Come on out, Corrin. *his right hand and sword burst into scarlet flames* Come and play with the King of Nightmares. *is irises are the same color as the streaks in this hair*
After all this au caused... i cant back down now *goes dt aura +2000 hp*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23