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"So...what did I miss?" *Teleports a chair from his house, sitting on it*
Pretty much the same old bullshit. And Bates burning my kitchen down.
*stand up and fly*
Well, we did just go to a party in hell...
And I nearly killed someone within five seconds of being there.
*Mind: Please don't ask what I was doing. Please don't ask what I was doing. Please don't ask what I was doing.*
Yeah. Some asshole demon decided to grab Mia and started trying to fucking manhandle her, and kiss her. He is lucky his head is still in his shoulders.
*walks into the light void and chills in there*
"Heh. I don't blame you then. I'd have done the same thing."
*puts in his earbuds and listens to
Heh. The best part is that Mia was gonna let me. I was nice enough to show him some mercy, after warning him.a
So, anyways, what have YOU been up to?
*Mind: FUC*!* "Not much..." *Clearly lying*
Del. Stop bullshitting me.
*appears infront of Jack and Del and hands them a flyer* Infinity is holding another tourney
*sigh* "...Fine. You know I'm a bad liar..."

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23