"Oh, great. I'll be there." *Mind: Please let him forget. Please let him forget. Please let him forget. Please let him forget. *
"I was...." *Looks to the ground* *mumbles something*
"I...may or may not have been....fighting an evil overlord...
Damn, seriously!? And you won? Way to go man!
"Heh, thanks..." *Mind: Don't forget Del, he does not know about the evil side of you* "So...wanna spar? Ya know, for the tournament."
*vanishes and Jack, Del and Nexus can hear his voice echo threw the room* count me in
"Heh. Sounds good. I'll let you pick when and where."
(Oh wait shit! Del hasn't ever seen the blaster attacks before!)
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23