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"BREAKER WAVE!" *Appears behind Jack, kicking him towards the blast*

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NOT THIS TIME! *summons his armor and block with his gauntlets and sword*
(we Need one more Round)
*Grin* *Knees Jack, stunning him even through the armor* "I've gotten much better." *Grabs him and spins, swinging him around* *Tosses him away, chasing him and spiking him into the ground*
(we have 3 so far and we need 4)
(Hi guys, sup. Need another fighter? XD)
(I really wanna fight Nova and Maul, in that order XD)
(Just don't kill Nova. ;-; )
(Is go easy on them. A lso, I'm putting my unseen oc into the tournie)
(the matches are Jack Vs Morgan, Nexus Vs Nova, and Del Vs Maul)
(Ooh, Del has a reason to bring out the full powers of this form XD) (Also, imagine if Nova beat Nexus XD)
(i randomized it on rng)
(Aah, sounds fair. Also, the match-ups were good. :P)
(Thank you RNG)
(why u thanking rng Maul is a lot stronger now he was training off screen)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23