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Heh... *returns to normal, and falls forward, passed out*
"heh..." *Drops to the ground, sleeping from exhaustion. :|*
(I'm in Ten)
*Yeah...we both just dropped at the same time XD*
Ok hold on)
*Trains* "I need that prize money...imagine what I could do with nine million G..."
???: For sure! Now let's focus on training.
"Very well." *Trains with ???* (*Dramatic music plays*)
Walks into the Kingdom* ...
I can play till for like a hour and a half)
Hmph. (Ok)
Hee hee hee... This looks like it could use some chaos...
(DID SOMEBODY SAY CHAOS?! *Old Del pokes his head out from the corner*)
(Riker is based off of Jevil)
(New Del: Get back to where you belong, reject. :P) (Me IRL: You do realize imma delete both of you in about 5 seconds?)
(*They both quit arguing immediately* Evil Del: Can I come out now?) (Me IRL: No, you have been removed from every being introduced. :|)
(Evil Del: Aaaawww...)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23