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(how accurate is it)
(is there a way to make the messages show faster.. since it takes literally more than 2 minutes to)
Ur just lagging.
(IIIIII have no idea)
It will stop eventually.
(no dude its not lag. i have good internet, trust me.)
This website is lagging. It will clear eventually.
Like that message. I was taking a minute so send one ear
Earlier, but it was instant.
(i pressed enter on this message at 2:52 pm)
(and it worked in like 5 seconds)
(logic is weird. i also have a song on youtube i found that would be hilarious with sammy and infinity instead of the two lovers in the song.) its a granny song and the two lovers at the beggining are the two i mean, not... granny and the grandpa i think. dont judge me it would be funny to replace them XD)
(nah i was on my phone)
(sammy running around with a shotgun doesnt sound that funny actually-)
(im not alone right)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23