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(dont you just love random encounters)

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(for a second i thought you put no but i read it wrong XD)
(kinda but sometimes it get freaking annoying to me)
(like to answer my previous question. also the only one i dont really like tbh is the cubone and mudkip one i just want to say)
(BeCaUsE tHe EeVeE sOnG iS bEtTeR i GuEsS!)
(actually i think it is)
(idk tbh)
(i enjoyed the navi one, i love the granny ones, actually lets say our top ten random encounters songs. if thats alright)
Random encounters is awesome!
(I K R- also top ten 1- best 10- least fave but in my top 10)
Resident Enis, Web of Lies, Five Nights At Freddy's, How to Beat a Monkey at Chess...
(hm rn i'm at discord)
10. the eevee song 9.kindergarten the musical (the first one) 8. baldis basics (first one) 7. let me go 6. i see you 5. senpai notice me 4. my own little nightmare 3. fnaf the musical 2. the day that you die 1. nana knows the ending
(i think i have a good wide range of favorites)
(also misfortunes game made me cry for ages)
I love that the musical night 2.
(i just love all of the nights)
I like it the most just because of the song. And Mark sits SO WELL!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23