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nvm i gotta brb gotta do some work.........
*laughs alot* fine go have kiss mia!
Mia:sammy me and jack are married...
Sammy: idc the ship doesnt start until i know things -~-
and they Stoll won't have sex sammy...
*he laughs
*after the last question refuses to look anyone in the eyes* ... *kisses Mia* ...there.
Sammy: *suddenly a twig slaps the back of bates head*
Mia:*turns more pink*B-BATES!!!
(*spawns mr x and nemesis*)
Sammy: *she used telekinesis* and jack ask someone t or d -~-
well its true mia if you and jack are in a relationship you got to bet to first axe sometimes besides I might be a scientist but i know how love works xD
*sighs* nothing oh well *sits on a tree* v.v *sighs*
*grins a bit* Heh heh... Sammy? Truth or dare?
welp Sammy your fucked...
Sammy: DARE (perhaps ask her her fave verse in a random encounters song, jk you dont have to)
Mia:then why dont you do it with tim then
Pfft... Oh GODS... GOT EM!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23