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"I'll take that."

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Sammy: *tosses it back to del* also i know you're gonna prank me
....ok nvm d...
Mia, love. *puts a hand on her shoulder* Easy.
Sammy: also when its bates turn bates has to ask someone other than jack t or d
"heh. Good." *Turns around and walks way from the group*
*sighs in relief* Whew... No one told him who gave Sammy the dare...
I can't awnser the kitchen dare please...
Mia:throws sammy in the lake*smiles*
*walks away from the group*
Sammy: you know i cant swim, teleport in water, and fly when my wings are wet. right?
*eyes turn black abit and strings tangle up Sammy and throws them to a lake
*The Crucible blade reappears in his hand once he reaches the training room and he trains with it*
*he laughs
Sammy: good bye world- *in lake now*
(Goodbye XD) *Knows about it, doesn't give a sh** *
*tp to sammy grabs sammy and flys her out of the lake*
Sammy: *welp shes dead*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23