Sammy: *pulls out scythe of hell and just stares at mia* whos the bitch?
*summons his own scythe and point it at Sam's neck and bates looks like hes losing it
Sammy: *first slashes a tree in anger, then looks at infinity from afar* *idea*
Sammy: *suddenly a camera is in jacks hand. a video is playing of her doing it, although its imposile for them to know is fake or real*
I want to see this in person. *tps to Sammy*
Sammy: *only her voice is heard. she did the dare* who should i kill first........ *run. now.*
Sammy: *everyone is cut on the back, its so dark theres no way to dodge it or see who did it*
Sammy: 8then the fire is lit and shes sitting down* back.
... Sounds like she's pissed... *stands up and stands next to Mia
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23