and besides do you guys have a tourny to go to anyways _
I will do as I wish after what she did to Mia.
Sammy: *suddenly flower is in sammys castle and sitting in front of her at a table* i need.. er- some help......
Sammy: *lifts her shirt below her chest and theres a humongus hole in her torso* how do i sew skin and vital organs back to my body?
*eyes start turning black and red again* Did he... Just threaten you..? Heh heh heh... Oh... He will pay for that one...
Sammy: *blood flows out of the hole* ..oh thats not good............. *flass to the ground*
*grabs sammy tp to her bed and set her down on her bed*
*eyes slowly drain and he looks ashamed of himself* You're right... Sorry love... *looks down at the floor*
*and start stitching up the hole and uses magic to numb out the hole* *sighs* *mind:jesus christ people argue like animals and like there's no tomorrow*
Sammy: i can read minds........ you know................. *groans a lil when shes done sewing*
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