PHASE DISTORTER*it stops all things from phasing no matter whatever type of it is
*won't work, they can only be hurt by one thing. Shades are made of pure void energy. They are basically like a liquid or gas. Everything passes right through them*
*mind:how come i feel like someone here?*
*they arent. Find what can hit them and they are a one shot.*
They have 1 hp, but I'm just using basic physics, they are made of pure dark energy. What dispels darkness, but is also dispelled by darkness? Bet hint ur gonna get*
*uses flashbangs then uses light sword and yeets thm*
Gah! What the... !!! No... Someone just killed some of them... I need it go check on Mia. * tps outside the room* *starts opening the door*
Mia? You alright- And who are you? Another one of Corrin's lackeys?
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23