... Well... This will be fun. I get to fight... Maul...
hey flower who you looking at????/flower:ehh i thought i saw someone that was exe and the others
"Well, I wish you luck out there." *Stands up and walks past Bates, sitting on a seat near the inner area of the arena*
Oh hey I met this person that said he's a pirate or something
*exe enters the arena passed mia and jack not paying attention to them and went to the location of flower and nightly* HEY FLOWER!/flower:hi exe/thx for saving my seat
flower:np exe/also do you know those 3 people that i walked passed to?????/flower:NUPE i noticed them but did not say anything
*takes a deep breath and uses the device on the arm to take a black liquid out of there body and bates crys abit not liking that it hurts* ok hate stuff your staying in here and if times get hard ill use you...I might not tho cauee i want a fair fight...*when he's done he uses his lab sleeves to hide it*
A tournament huh I'll watch *walks up and takes a seat in the stands*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23