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Riker i believe his name was
I'm sorry I just hate being bored...
Alright. Sorry Deo.
Okay the first match will be......
*stares at nexus
... *uses "who is these people" look*
*Mind: Why the heck is Nova in this tournament? Just great...*
It's fine just is there possible I could be a back up in case someone cant fight or something nexus?
Bates Vs Nova everyone else please go to the waiting room
*tp back and not seeing mia or alex* jesus christ i think i taking drugs
*he would tp to the waiting room along with Maul*
*goes to the waiting room and falls asleep*
"Good luck Bates." *Get in position*
ether that a traning room was on fire there's people idk and well at least morgan here thx evil for sparing memories about him/evil:Mhm
So can I be back up nexus?
*walks in and takes an entire bench and uses it like a longer chair*
*get in to position
The first match will start NOW *waves a hand between Bates and Nova*
i'l go just pretend you know them/flower:okay *evil tp back home*
*Tosses his glasses aside* "Won't be needing these."

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23