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(Would have been nice if your chromebook let you say that. :P) *looks up* "Not a bad attack." *Vanishes, appearing above it*
How do we play...
*turns Dels soul blue and starts forcing him to the fireball disabling his powers*
if you get asked t or d you say answer with t or d
if t then they ask you a question
ah the power of psychosis....
someone has to ask someone t or d when that person choose there answer if truth that person has to ask a question they have to answer it if dare some one have to come up with a dare and that person who ever asked dare has to do it
if d then you do a dare that the other person thinks of
*to alex*
"Heh. You really want to win, don't you? Well..." *Soul starts to turn gold* "SO DO I!!!!" *Plummets through the fireball, tanking it with 4 HP once he exits, slicing at Morgan with the Crucible before he can react, demolishing the arena*
*gets sent flying 15/200*
and once someone asks you and your turn ends you ask someone else
Thanks aunt flower and new echo
*Appears behind Morgan while he flies, kicking him upward with destructive force*
*appears behind Del and slams him to the ground following up with many slashes from his crusible*
*Blocks every slash with his Crucible, then kicks Morgan off, chasing him and spiking him to the ground. His aura glows a brighter shade of red*
you can call me sith if you want

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23