*Gets slammed against the wall violently and stabbed through the gut___*
rolled 4d100 and got a natural 155.
Note: Unless if he rolls 300+
now if u both need me i gotta do what i need to do *went home*
flower we are done we waiting for u to gear up!/flower:ALRIGHT HOLD ON
*turn into shadow and fade to flower*
wait flower why do you have that face mask?/flower:if u just looked outside you can see why/
uhh actually i dont wanna know just gear up

(Back) "Why should I, Nexus?" *Kicks him against the wall next to Del* "I'm simply testing him."
nexus he trying to break up the fight between blade and del
..... well destroying his house isnt a good thing blade I kicked your ass in tournament and i'll do it again if i have to
hold on *went outside arm turn into claws and uses magic to break up the fight between del and blade* OKAY WHO CHALLENGED WHO CAUSE 1 FIGHT IS ENOUGH FOR ME ABOUT TO DEAL WITH IN A LIL BIT
*But Blade is nowhere to be seen, while Del lies in the snow in pain*
*went outside noticed exe claws* blade challenged del into a fight and we trying to break it up before someone gets killed
"T-thanks..." *Gets tossed across the street, slamming his back into a tree, coughing up blood on impact*
Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23