Found Nexuses Theme
(no i'm good reborn thx) *scans mia hp*
*sleeps most of the time, and spends one with the family like a good husband/father*
(ok then guess diac can go back to stealing the show somewhere else)
*flys out of mia and jack room*
(*Wonders why IRL me was about to let him die*)
*is still in the form just in case*
*sets a drink near the couch*for when you wake up
(btw, if I go brb, it is probably because I am playing Kingdom Hearts II right now.) (back to brb)
(im not a DBZ fan but if Avery had a theme it would be this
*and tp back to echo* still knocked out?
(Sora. Currently he is level 28, but this is a much older save a barely used)
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