*Kickly knees Jack's gut, sending him flying back*
(*me wondering how 3 people got two OCs each in the tornie*)
"Thanks. I've heard a lot about you too." *APpears above him* "So don't make this boring."
Welp, let's get this starte- Ack! *lands on his feet* Fine then. FINAL GAMBIT!!
Heh. Let's see how OBSERVANT you really are!
i'm not anymore or for a while*LV 1000 4006 HP 4101 ATK 4701 DEF*
"Heh. You've already shown this trick." *Tosses his knife at the card with Jack's image*
*internally* Damn... He's good... I need to come up with something, and quick...
*the cards vanish and the next row moves forward*
if you want lv *summon lv point* take this insted
*It vanishes after it hits the card* *Red knives appear, circling around Nova inside of the circle of cards* *A knife flies at the card with JAck's image every time it shows up until multiple start to appear*
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