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"Heh..I knew you wouldn't like that..." *Still walking* "Watch your back, Jack! I am not gonna stop until I have you begging me to spare you!"
(Evil Del: Can I come out now?! *Cheerfully*) (Me: Ugh, fine.)
*a beam of black energy strikes down right in front of Del*
*Walks through it, seemingly unharmed* "I'll be waiting...JACKY!" *Del vanishes and trains until the next tourney, so literally nobody will see him until then.* (I still feel bad, though. Too bad Del has gone to the dark side now XD)
I'm not the one who killed Nexus. So don't threaten me. It will just make things worse for you. You will be the one begging like a DOG when I'm through with you...
*Cries in the corner, for he saw what Del was doing*
*appears Behind Del* did you kill Nexus..........
*Visits Del in the Vanish realm* (Nobody else can access it right now, sorry, but I need something for plot. :P)
*appears next to Nova* ... I'm sorry...
's fine..." *sniffle*
Oooooooof oooof of oof oof ooooof oooooooooooooooooooof)
*vanishes and appears next to Jack* Del is Fucking Dead......
"I heard you say you wish to use my powers?" *Walks towards Del*
... I drove him to this... Because of what I did in our fight...
"..." *Cries more, then pulls a lever beside him, making him fall through a trap door below him. The lever disappears afterward*
"You heard right. Just one thing."
"And that is?" *Reaches for his shoulder*
(this is how protective Morgan is to Nexus* skip to 41 seconds

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