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Okay *goes into the vanish realm* Mia we are going back to your palace
*Del puts out rapid waves of huge energy, barraging against the barrier, starting to chip away at it* (I meant to add that...:|)
H a Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
what did you say that was called
*The barrier shatters* *His eyes turn blue and red* "Chaos Break..." *Blasts at her twice with beams of energy that again start to morph the terrain around them*
*The attack mirrors but now its directed twordss him and its 10 times stronger*
"B U T I T D O E S N' T M A T T E R S I N C E T H I S W I L L B E T H E L A S T T H I N G Y O U S E E!!!" *Appears behind her, blasting her suddenly with a bigger beam of energy, literally pushing the walls and ground away fom the blast because of the output of energy*
*His eyes are red and black now* "pathetic." *He holds up a hand and both beams just stop and vanish*
*Magic Locks jack dissabling his entire attack*
*His right eye changes from red to green* (Jack ain't here...:P) *Fades through it, firing another blast*
*His black eye changes back to blue* *His wounds start to heal up* "You did some good damage on me, but it's all over."
NOBODYS FOOL! *knifes and daggers take every hit and even more come to overwhelm del and then even more come* (lmao sorry
*More and more and more*
(Is ok. :P) *Appears behind her, a single hand coolly aiming at her from behind* "You truly are a fool." *Blasts her from behind before she can react, then vanishes*
*She magic locks herself (for like a second) and the attack bounces off and the air is full of blades*
*Appears in the air in spots for like a second, clearing out huge chunks of knives as he does so, vanishing after he clears out area until barely any knives remain*
the area*
*do it again* (MORE!

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23