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ummmmm..... *noticed mia* *flower tp to nightly* flower:don't ask/okay
*Keeps training*
*flower tp to jack's kingdom and sense someone there turn invisable* ...
Mia:*hears nightly wakes up and growls at him*grrrr
*Walks up to a random civilian* *Whispers* Heal me or die *holds the sword to their stomach*
Person:0-0 o-ok
... *mind:where the fuck is jack..*
!? umm
*after the healing is done she kills them anyway and throws their body into some bushes*
Mia:*stops growling and sniffs him then tackles him and sleeps on him*
*mind:!?!?! what the hell!? shit ... i gotta get jack*
*she trnsforms back into herself*
(He's fighting the Wither. Just checked.) *Continues to train*
*send exe elizabeth feeling* hey exe can you meet me in jack's kingdom?/exe: *send it back* got it.
*shes now wearing a long black cloak and pure black clothes* *her gloves were black , but they became red from the blood*
*went to jack kingdom noticed a lock and door broke* !?!?! jesus christ something serious *walks through*
*that was a portal to another kingdom , there in front of her is another dead body*
Im gald how nightly isnt just freaking out a out mia just tackling him and sleeping on him😂)
!?!?! now i gotta get to flower fast (XD yea this is normal yeaa/nightly:ummm halp...)

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23