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"Hold on, guys. Remember, protect Mia." *They all nod their heads in agreement*

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nightly:bs cause i sensed you slashing mia in my room./WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?!? *is full blown confused* THEN WHY WERE HUH?!?! THEN WHAT WERE YOU HERE THEN!?/exe:and why did i see corps on my way to flower
(one reason why you should never confused the hell out of flower)
hm a 9 vs 1 sounds fun
but that doesnt seem fair does it
i am so lost rn./exe:agree
Mia:guys..i cant fight my magic is gone.....
.... ......
*she snaps and her eyes are golden*
*everyone becomes very confused*
(flower and the rest became very confused bro)
*they are so lost in cofunsion that they forget whom is friend and whom is foe*
*already* fucking sunny days .M. making my head spinning ) ... i'm so confused/exe:agree flower
(Sry, I'm back.)
*The Dels talk to each other and reason that since they look the same they must be on the same side XD* *Del's eyes turn gold* "Let's take them down boys."
(Has to go eat, then I had to clean up my room.)
*now everyone thinks of everyone else is their enemy*

Moderators: Bhez Assassingirl23