Heh. *kisses her* Alright love. You want to walk, or me just tp us there?
*whispers in her ear* and that was very sweet of you.
Alright. *wraps an arm around her and tps them home*
So... Do you want me to help you get your magic back? I can do it while you sleep, so you can rest while I open the locks.
Mia:jack like i said befor.....the spell takes away my magic forever. .....i cant get it back.....
Mia. Magic doesn't work like that. You can't just remove a fundamental part of life. You can only lock it away. And you were teleporting around earlier. You still have some access, which just proves my point. Please, Love, just let me help.
*grabs appears be of her hands with both of his* Please. Just let me do something worthwhile for you. This is something I HAVE to do, Love. You don't deserve this. Just like when I gave up my original wings for you. Please. Just let me do this. I'll do whatever you want me to after this, just please... Let me fix this.
(Sry RV, I was in the middle of what I was typing.)
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